Hours of Operation: Monday — Friday, 9:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m.

Support for Guardianship Law in Oklahoma, OK

Family law is diverse and complex. It’s the main focus here at Bryan W. Caddell, P.C., and that includes guardianship law in Oklahoma City, OK. Our team here knows the ins and outs of guardianship and is ready to employ our skills and experience on your behalf. When we discuss this area of law with our clients, we discover which aspect applies to them. There are a few different types of guardianship, but they all come down to assuming responsibility for a child’s well-being. It includes naming a child’s legal guardian if the parents cannot care for the young person temporarily.

It may also be a situation where the child has been placed in out-of-home care, and a legal relationship is created between the child and caregiver. This form of guardianship establishes a permanent family situation for the child without eliminating the parents’ rights. The child benefits from having a stable family home while still being connected to the parents.

Attorney Caddell is an experienced lawyer known for his caring and compassionate way of listening to his clients and keeping their best interests front and center. He is dedicated to providing excellent service at reasonable rates. Contact the firm of Bryan W. Caddell, P.C. today for a consultation.